Setting Up Discord's AutoMod for Safer Communities

Setting Up Discord's AutoMod for Safer Communities

How to Enable Discord’s AutoMod for Enhanced Server Moderation:

Boost your Discord server’s safety by enabling AutoMod—a tool designed to automatically deter harmful communications. Follow these streamlined steps to ensure a more secure and well-moderated community space.

Quick Activation Guide for AutoMod:

  1. Access Server Settings: Click the arrow beside your server’s name for the dropdown menu.
  2. Server Configuration: Select ‘Server Settings’ to delve into your server’s backbone.
  3. Community Feature Activation: Switch on ‘Community’ settings to access advanced moderation features.
  4. Initiate Community Tools: Hit the ‘Get Started’ button and embark on the Community Settings journey.
  5. Essential Settings Check: Make sure ‘Verified email required’ and ‘Scan media content from all members’ are selected for a robust moderation framework.
  6. Set Up Community Channels: Promptly create a ‘Rules and Community Updates’ channel when suggested.
  7. Final Touches: Tailor your community settings, refining moderation privileges and notification preferences for optimal engagement.
  8. Consent and Conclude: Acknowledge the terms and wrap up your configuration with a click.

Tailoring Content Moderation:

  1. Moderation Beta Features: Within server settings, select ‘Content Moderation Beta’.
  2. Flagging System Setup: Choose ‘Set Up’ adjacent to ‘Commonly Flagged Words’ to customize the automated filter.
  3. Language Selection: Pinpoint the language of the words to be moderated.
  4. Automated Responses: Determine the course of action when a member crosses the line: block the message or issue an alert.
  5. Exemption Policies: Optionally, configure exemptions for trusted users or specific channels.
  6. Commit Changes: Save your modifications to uphold a harmonious server environment.

Customizing Banned Words List:

  1. Keyword Rule Creation: Select ‘Set Up’ next to ‘Custom Keyword Rule’ to establish your own list of no-go words.
  2. Word Selection: In the ‘Choose your words’ section, input the verbiage you wish to prohibit.
  3. Reaction to Infractions: Decide how AutoMod should react to these infractions—block, alert, or restrict user access.
  4. Exemptions as Needed: Set exclusions to the rule as per your discretion.
  5. User Timeout Option: If opting to ‘Timeout user’, designate the appropriate timeout length.
  6. Finalize Your Settings: Don’t forget to save these settings to enforce them.

Remember, leveraging AutoMod requires suitable server permissions and is exclusive to the Discord desktop application for now.